Hello and thank you for visiting KevinFederal!
This site is uniquely designed to help individuals and organizations close more Federal product sales. The content you will find here has been curated throughout my 25 year career of building both commercial and Federal sales organizations, as well as, my more recent role consulting small, medium and large size contractors toward establishing and growing their own Federal sales practices.
Simply put, this site is designed to Empower Federal Sales. So whether you are an individual Federal Salesperson looking to grow your personal pipeline or an organization trying to stand up or grow a Federal Sales practice, this site is for you.
Why should you trust my expertise?
It’s not enough to just say this site is valuable. As Federal salespeople, we know all too well that commercial sales experience or training rarely matches up with the skills you need to succeed in the Federal market. While I have experience in commercial sales, the bulk of my career has been either working in or selling to the U.S. Federal Government. I served in the U.S. Navy for approximately six years with time at sea. Then I began my sales career starting as a pre-sales engineer and moving up to sales director. I eventually settled into my niche of selling exclusively to the Federal market with start-ups.
This is where I developed my strategy, methodology and processes for building a Federal sales practice with mostly cyber security products and services. Additionally, I served as a VP of Business Development, Sales and Marketing at a System Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) contractor and a reseller. Throughout this journey though, my true passion is in direct sales to my customers. Through these many job types, I have cultivated a vast understanding and process for building a successful Federal sales practice, that I hope to share with you on KevinFederal.
My method is not for everyone.
I have generated millions of dollars in revenue for clients through this carefully refined process. However, the saying “what you put in, is what you get out” is a key component to that success. I was most successful at companies that fully participated and committed to building the Federal vertical. That means providing all the resources: time, money, process and technology needed to be successful. Success in these terms means more revenue from the Federal customer base. I was able to generate millions of dollars in revenue with those companies that commit and participate in the effort. With the company or two that did not participate, I was not as successful.
In my LinkedIn profile, you can read about the companies where I built a Federal sales practice.
I’m committed to this journey, if you are too!
I am passionate about what I do in life both personal and professional. One thing I love to do in my spare time is hike and I am also a volunteer hike leader for a non-profit organization. Since I am a hike leader, I have a lot of responsibilities for the people I lead out on trails in mountains, over streams, through rain, snow, cold, heat, ascents, descents that I have to plan for all contingencies. So I plan tirelessly, resulting in a hike that seem effortless to all hikers following me.
As with hiking, I want to make the building of the Federal sales practice seem effortless. I plan for as many contingencies as possible. My belief is leadership, planning and knowledge are the keys to ensure any journey is successful. Can you plan for everything? Absolutely not, but you can be prepared and professional. This is what you can expect from me.
I outline the trials and tribulations you may experience during this journey. Frankly, building a Federal sales practice can be extremely frustrating. It is a worthwhile journey, but not entirely painless. I lay out a framework and strategy specifically aligned towards increasing Federal sales of information technology capabilities. However, many have successfully applied the tactics to other capabilities as well.
Is this the only way forward?
Absolutely not! This market is vast and always evolving, so please share your ideas, thoughts and suggestions. We can all move forward together, now let’s begin this journey.
Need 1:1 support?
KevinFederal is purposefully designed to offer self-navigating resources as well as a forum for collaborative discussion. If you need more dedicated support on this journey, my company, Sanctum Federal offers Federal sales consulting, coaching, Federal Sales Certification Training and a new cloud-based product being developed today – FedSalesTracker.